Stemulate Xeno- and heparin-free pooled platelet lysate

Used globally in clinical stem cell and immuno-oncology applications as a high performance FBS replacement.
Your culture media supplement must provide rapid cell expansion of high efficacy cells while meeting quality and regulatory expectations. Stemulate meets those requirements for applications that do not require additional pathogen reduction technology. Available in clinical or research grade formulations.
- Available in 100, 500 ml
- Large donor pool lot sizes
- Manufactured from outdated FDA/AABB approved apheresis platelet units
- FDA master file
- Manufactured under a certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
- Example CoA and IFU
- Used as a culture supplement to replace FBS or AB Serum
- Biodefined composition reduces lot-to-lot variability
- Supports a wide range of cell types including MSCs, T-Cells, NK Cells, Endothelial cells and more.
- Typically used at 2%-10% concentrations
- Used in 2D and 3D expansion systems
Please download Stemulate brochures here:
Comparison of clinical grade human platelet lysates for cultivation of mesenchymal stromal cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue:
Product instructions for human platelet lysate (hPL) products:
Stemulate supports the growth of adipose, amniotic, and dental pulp derived MSCs:
Both grades are manufactured under the same environmental conditions and following the same protocols. The Clinical grade material is subjected to more robust release testing and batch record documentation as indicated by the information provided on the certificate of analysis.
Data demonstrate that Stemulate is generally suitable at an equivalent concentration of FBS or AB Serum depending on the cell type. Studies have been published that indicate a reduction of hPL concentration is possible and has been reported as effective down to 0.5%.
Clinical-grade Stemulate undergoes performance testing in cell culture as part of the release criteria to qualify each lot. The product must perform standard cell expansion following our growth verification assay. Growth factor data is not collected per lot nor is it a determinant of lot release.
30 months from the date of manufacture at -20C storage.
Yes. Stemulate is used in multiple clinical studies across the globe.
Ex vivo expansion of cells such as MSCs, ASCs, T Cells, etc. Please connect with us to learn which Sexton hPL is right for your application.
Yes. We are ISO9001:2015 certified.
ll Stemulate products, Research and Clinical grade are supplied with a CoA upon purchase
– Research grade Stemulate CoA provides sterility information
o Endotoxin, Mycoplasma, Sterility (BacT)
– Clinical or GMP compliant Stemulate provides all release criteria data and information

How can we help you?
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BioLife Solutions Inc.
3303 Monte Villa Parkway,
Suite 310, Bothell , WA 98021 USA
For assistance, please call us Monday
through Friday (9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST) at:
Toll Free (North America): +1.866.424.6543
Direct: +1.425.402.1400
Fax: +1.425.402.1433