Improving pharmaceutical standards with biobanking

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To achieve the best pharmaceutical standards, you have to start by creating a reliable biobank because it is where you will be storing all biological materials. You have to know that without the right biobank, no matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to keep the samples in the right condition. Also, you should […]

The concept of biobanking and its benefits to the health industry

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Scientific research takes place in stages and is carried out step by step. For instance, when scientists derive DNA from humans and animals or collect bacterial strains, they need bio storage to store the samples as they continue with their research. Without access to sample storage that will support the survival of the highly-sensitive biosamples, […]

What are the qualities of a good cold chain delivery company

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Studies show that pharmaceutical companies can lose hundreds of thousands of dollars on small package shipments due to temperature fluctuations. Losing that much money due to a lack of environmental control is a significant loss that may cripple the operations of pharmaceutical companies. As a pharmaceutical operations manager, you need to consider reliable cold chain logistics to […]

Choosing an appropriate sample management solution for your pharmaceutical company

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A large number of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies struggle with storing their samples. Even more struggle finding a mechanism that will help accurately track these samples.  Appropriate pharmaceutical sample management will help your company maintain compliance and even control costs. This is why it’s important for you to use a reliable and experienced sample management system.  Functional […]

The three benefits of pharmaceutical cold storage

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Seven of 10 pharmaceutical samples and products require temperature-controlled storage environments to ensure they remain in a viable state. Pharmaceutical cold storage helps preserve temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical samples to ensure they aren’t compromised. Due to the strict regulations put on the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring that your pharmaceutical cold storage facilities are up to par is essential to maintaining […]

How to find the right pharmaceutical cold chain delivery service

If you operate within the pharmaceutical industry in any capacity, then you understand the importance of having reliable cold chain delivery services. Not only are there strict regulations pertaining to pharmaceutical storage with which your business will need to comply, but you also have to consider the overall efficiency and timeliness of your service. Even […]

The importance of keeping pharmaceutical samples regulated with proper storage

There are many benefits associated with distributing pharmaceutical samples to patients undergoing treatment. A sample system can test the efficiency of medication before the patient’s prescription is filled for treatment. Sampling also allows for a smoother therapy process. Because the patient does not have to deal with picking up their medication at a later date […]

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